Wednesday, June 20, 2012

a classic book chosen by reader juliana

our  book  for this month classic has been chosen by a good friend Juliana, in fact our friendship
started based on exchanging book titles that we loved and this very book club since then she has stayed
on the hill, will be joining us in france for a workshop and i will visit her home in Switzerland, pretty exciting what a blog and good book can do. please visit her blog, when i do i am completely in awe of her travels, she also is working on her second cook book and spends much time in her garden!

Juliana has chose Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier


  1. Oooh, a good story but dark, maybe too dark for me just now but I will rejoin in August. I've shared our Renée-Paloma-Kakuro-inspired dinner on my blog:
