Saturday, February 12, 2011

a quick hello and a post date!

How are you guys doing. have you read it, are  you in the middle of it or still at the very beginning.
I must confess that i had a bit of trouble reading Hardy, almost like i have trouble reading Jane austen but soon there was a flow. I am not finished and hope to read a lot this weekend. when i find that i am behind in my reading and i must go to places like the theatre or pick husband from the train or meet someone for lunch i tend to go a little earlier so that i can read in the parking lot for a few minutes.

Some of you have asked what date you should post on and al though i was hoping the fifteenth i think we should make it the twentieth give an take a few days.( i know some of you have posted already and that is great-no worries and how exciting).

If you post early email me and i will send the readers your way!


  1. I just finished the book this morning. I still need time to gather my thoughts about it. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's impressions. For now I must digest the lines I have read.

  2. Yes, the 20th sounds much better! I need some "meditation time" as well :)

  3. it has been far too hectic for me to get even a little bit into the book. i'll still post something on the 20th though. but i am hoping next month will be easier!

  4. I finally finished this past weekend and I agree that I need some time to gather my thoughts about the novel. A post on the 20th works great!

  5. I haven't finished yet, and sadly, I've had to stop reading it. I tend to get so caught up in books and characters that I often bring their feelings out of the book and they become my own. I realized that I was doing this with Tess, and so I had to stop. I can't wait to read everyone else's posts though!

  6. As I will be traveling on Sunday, I've posted about the book in advance.

  7. Still right in the middle...having a hard time finding time to read extra books these days...but i'm hoping to have it finished this weekend, and will post (hopefully) Tuesday of next week!

  8. question: on the 20th are we posting only on our blogs or here as well? should we send you our "photo-review"? Thank you! :)

  9. Oh I'll have to think about joining this book club. I read so many of the classics with my teens (we homeschool...long story). There are so many wonderfully made movies on Netflix that are wonderful to watch after reading the novels. I would love to be able to fit this in and will think about it!

  10. Dear Nadia, I just published my "read with me" post. It's an illustration I made for Tess story.


  11. I haven´t finished the book, but I have write a little post at my blog.
